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About Us

South Placer Transit Information, Education, and Training is administered by the Western Placer Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (WPCTSA) in partnership with Auburn TransitRoseville Transit, and Placer County Transit.

Our Purpose

The purpose of South Placer Transit Information, Education, and Training is to make using transit in the south Placer region easier by providing a set of one-stop-shop resources for riders that highlights the integration of operations across transit operators. 

Our Services website

This website provides a one-stop-shop resource for everything transit in the south Placer region.

South Placer Transit Information

One phone number for riders to get information about routes and schedules, get help with trip planning, reserve on-demand services, and more. Open 7 days a week from 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Please visit the Contact Us page for all of our contact information.

Mobility Training

Mobility Training is a free program available to help people learn how to safely and independently use public transportation services throughout the south Placer region. Learn more about Mobility Training here.